Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Claus

Landon Wigley
8402 Smack Down Ave.
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 6X9

December 15, 2011

Santa Claus
Magical Figure
North Pole

Dear Santa:
     I'm on the edge of being on the naughty list. But it isn't my fault. You can blame the girlfriend for that. She just can't resist me. Can you blame her? Look at me. I'm sexy and I know it. Anyways other then that I've been fairly good... I guess. Okay maybe not on the mats. Because I've been tossing people like rag dolls lately. IT'S SO MUCH FUN! Can't guard me! There are other incidents that might put me on the naughty list but let's just skip the details. Let's just get to the wish list.

     Okay Santa here's the deal. I don't want or need that many items but there is a few things you could get me. Firstly I would like a fender strate. To rip it up like David Gilmour. He is god on the guitar! Secondly having a bowflex would be great. No pain no gain! I love that burning sensation. Lastly I know this last item might question my uh... yeah. A pink with purple lining singlet. Don't ask why I want it. Personal I think it will give me a psychologial advantage. Plus the look on my oppostions face will be rich.

Sincerly Landon

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

To text or to not to text?

     "It isn't professional. It's saying, 'To hell with all of you,' " says Pamela Eyring. The article depicts that people are losing their "one-on-one people skills," and the ability to maintain focus in conversations. This is a growing concern in our society and for future generations. It continues to discuss that people are becoming selfish or "cell-fish" with the respectful use of using cell phones in social encounters.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I am the stop sign of serious
You people been to oblivious
It's time to let loose
It's time to be curious
let go of your excuse

The woman in front of me in the line
I'd say was at least a nine
I recited a sonnet
She thought it was cute but said "no I'm fine"
I walked away from that brunette

My friends die from laughter
That I tried to chase after
I'm glad that they laugh
I have nothing to regret from hereafter
But it feels as I've been hit by a giraffe

They do not speak of fun and jokes
Pretty sure soon they'll die from strokes
It's time they have fun
They are too serious of folks
Maybe I'll buy them a water gun

I'm rifling through the pockets in my mind
pretty soon I'll be outta time
To show you how to live
When I'm gone look at my rhymes
And I'll arrive

I played Icarus in my school play
That was such an awful display
I probably was the worst
But did I astray
No, I went in head first

Inside the old box
Nothing but blocks and rocks
But give it to a child
He'll be as free as a fox
You'll never see a bigger smile

Monday, December 5, 2011

Fairy Tales of Perfection

     Nothing in the world is perfect. Why do writers usually stereotype perfection in poems and stories? In the poem "puce fairy book" by Alice Major and the article "Forget Prince Charming" by June Callwood the authors justify that looking for perfection in relationships isn't going to happen. Alice Major would probably agree with the grandmothers advice to her grandchildren.

     Alice Major uses the more common fairy tales to prove that wanting or looking for perfection in romance is never going to happen. She compares herself to the fairy tales and she "with thanks, and honour," doesn't want to be Cinderella. Her foot was "too big to fit," in the glass slipper. That men have to stop looking for the "perfect" woman in a relationship and stop making their expectations so high. To stop comparing average woman to fairy tales. Because no girls hair will "grow long enough," like Rapunzel.

     June Callwood in her article "Forget Prince Charming" explains what to look for to find a stable relationship. She explores the aspects to find the "perfect" relationship. The grandmother doesn't believe "that a perfect mate exists," and tells her granddaughters what to seek when looking for happiness... (ran out of time)

Alice Major would mostly agree with the advice given by the grandmother to her granddaughters. The grandmother tells them to look for someone that can compromise, that is honest and the ability to collaborate. In the poem "puce fairy book" indicates that romance isn't perfect because not every girl has the same shoe size to fit the "crystal slipper." This is why Alice would agree with the grandmother. That she tells her granddaughters that looking for perfect won't result in a strong relationship. Both show that looking for character will be better if you want to "live happily ever after".

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Happens In Jail

     Robert slowly walked up to Jarome. Jarome knew he wanted something and asked, "What do you want Robert?"
     "Well I heard your the person to talk to" replied Robert
     "To talk to about what though?" Jarome stated, "what are you trying to get at?"
     Robert was starting to get nervous. He whispered, "I need...a...a...gun."
     "What in God's name do you need a gun for?"
     "I'm tried of living in jail. I want to end it."
     "End what? Your life?" Jarome asked confusingly. Robert stood there. Caught his breathe and explained,
     "I can't stand it here anymore. I've had enough, I need an easy way out."
     "Don't end your life Robert," Jarome was lost for words but continued,"Just plan a way to escape. You can find away to get out of here."
      Robert didn't think that anyone cared for him and was shocked of Jarome's positive attitude. Robert then questioned, "How am I suppose to get out of here? It's a maxium security prison!"
      "Man we will find a way," stated Jarome." Just meet me back here later and we can think of a plan to escape."
      "Alright Jarome, I'll see you later." Robert said quietly. Both men went there separate ways. To make it not obvious that they are going to escape. Both men are going to escape.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Nice guys finish last

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked... She asked "Cat got your tongue?" She laughs "Your a tough nut to crack." Silence still from George. "Can you please talk? I'm always alone year in and year out." George replies "We can't talk. I don't want no problem with Curley. Better safe then sorry." Curley's wife storms off saying "I'll be back!" As she was leaving Lennie comes in like walking on egg shells. " George what's that saying again? When the going gets tough- The tough go fishing?" "Keep it simple, stupid... No its when the going gets tough, the tough get going." All of a sudden Curley walks in. George express " Look what the cat dragged in." "Better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you're a fool... because I'm tough as nails!" sharply replied Curley. "You said a mouthful. Didn't think you knew that many words." Curley started to get frustrated " Put your money where you mouth is!" George closed his fists "Bring it on! I'm going to give it 110%!" The battle royal started. Curley was handy but George was quick as a cat. During the heat of the battle Slim walks in. Slim jumps in and breaks up the fight. Both men said nothing; Curley was gone like the wind. "He can't win 'em all." says Slim as he leaves the bunk house. On his way out he passed Curley's Wife. " Told ya I'd be back. Can you leave Lennie? Two's a company, three is a crowd."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Unforsaken Past

Chris Pond
123 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 10, 2011

Jim Smith
Smalltown, British Columbia

Dear Sir:
With all due respect mayor destroy the evidence of Gunter Grass being a commandant of a concentration camp in Poland. Obviously his conscience feels guilty for the actions he committed during world war two. Gunter is constantly helping others, this shows that he didn't support Nazi Germany or it means he is trying to right his wrongs. I do feel for all the people that died in the concentration but everyone lost loved ones in the war. Gunter was just following orders he could of stood up to his own government but that would have resulted in his death. They would have just replaced him and those 15,000 people would have still died. He left his past behind him and become one of the best mayors of your small town. Mr.Grass has done many things for the community such as building the factory that employs many of the citizens. Also he gives many to various charity's and helps supports families that can't pay for their essential expenses. Mr.Mayor everyone have their secrets let him keep his. The town look up to him and this would just ruin the last few years he has left. He is making his peace, let him have it.

Sincerely, Chris Pond

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What's the BIG Deal?

What's the big deal about grade twelve? Knowing that you almost have freedom? Is it the grad parties? Is it when you walk across the stage and prepare for the real world? Is it getting the highest GPA to get to university? Yes, grades are important but I believe the big deal of grade twelve is the friends you make throughout high school. So when you look back in your year book when years come to past, you have a forever lasting memory of each peer. Even if the memory is "remember in math class..." or "dude remember that night when..." Those are the things you'll remember. Not what teachers taught you. It'll be the people you meet, best friends or just classmates. Pieces of advice make friends not enemies, memories not regrets.