George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked... She asked "Cat got your tongue?" She laughs "Your a tough nut to crack." Silence still from George. "Can you please talk? I'm always alone year in and year out." George replies "We can't talk. I don't want no problem with Curley. Better safe then sorry." Curley's wife storms off saying "I'll be back!" As she was leaving Lennie comes in like walking on egg shells. " George what's that saying again? When the going gets tough- The tough go fishing?" "Keep it simple, stupid... No its when the going gets tough, the tough get going." All of a sudden Curley walks in. George express " Look what the cat dragged in." "Better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you're a fool... because I'm tough as nails!" sharply replied Curley. "You said a mouthful. Didn't think you knew that many words." Curley started to get frustrated " Put your money where you mouth is!" George closed his fists "Bring it on! I'm going to give it 110%!" The battle royal started. Curley was handy but George was quick as a cat. During the heat of the battle Slim walks in. Slim jumps in and breaks up the fight. Both men said nothing; Curley was gone like the wind. "He can't win 'em all." says Slim as he leaves the bunk house. On his way out he passed Curley's Wife. " Told ya I'd be back. Can you leave Lennie? Two's a company, three is a crowd."
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