Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Unforsaken Past

Chris Pond
123 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 10, 2011

Jim Smith
Smalltown, British Columbia

Dear Sir:
With all due respect mayor destroy the evidence of Gunter Grass being a commandant of a concentration camp in Poland. Obviously his conscience feels guilty for the actions he committed during world war two. Gunter is constantly helping others, this shows that he didn't support Nazi Germany or it means he is trying to right his wrongs. I do feel for all the people that died in the concentration but everyone lost loved ones in the war. Gunter was just following orders he could of stood up to his own government but that would have resulted in his death. They would have just replaced him and those 15,000 people would have still died. He left his past behind him and become one of the best mayors of your small town. Mr.Grass has done many things for the community such as building the factory that employs many of the citizens. Also he gives many to various charity's and helps supports families that can't pay for their essential expenses. Mr.Mayor everyone have their secrets let him keep his. The town look up to him and this would just ruin the last few years he has left. He is making his peace, let him have it.

Sincerely, Chris Pond

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